Welcome to the world of fancy diamonds! 24diamonds.com has an unique collection of the natural fancy diamond rings. Most of the rings are designed in 14k two tone gold and black pvd coating on the top of 14k white gold. These rings include different shades and cut of the hand picked fancy diamonds: yellow, cognac, green & pink. Only one in every 10,000 diamonds possesses natural color and is referred to as a fancy color diamond. And such a great color combination in one ring makes each presented below piece the unique!
More rare than a colorless diamond, a fancy color diamond is truly the most brilliant and exotic stone that comes from the earth. Fancy colored diamonds are known world wide as extremely rare, and thus, are very popular with Hollywood movie stars. The information below will help you understand fancy color diamonds to determine the diamond that's right for you.
Typically, diamonds come from geologic rock formations called Kimberlites. Kimberlite rock formations that contain diamonds are eroded over time by rivers and streams and can deposit diamonds in the sediments carried by those streams farther downstream from the original source rocks. These deposits are called alluvial diamond deposits. All rare fancy color diamonds originate in diamond mines, either alluvial or kimberlitic. Like any other diamond, rare fancy color diamonds are discovered in rough form which require cutting and polishing before these stones can be marketed to end consumers.Unlike white diamonds which still exist in nature in large quantities, fancy color diamonds constitute less than 1% of the quantity of rough diamonds manufactured globally, every year, and this quantity is steadily shrinking.
The price of a natural loose diamond is affected by the 4Cs: Color, Cut, Clarity, and Carat.
Cut: Fancy loose color diamonds (unlike white diamonds) are polished in a different manner than white diamonds. This is done in order to emphasize the color as much as possible. While fancy color diamonds still exhibit brilliance, color is the most important characteristic considered when they are being cut.
Color: Color intensity, the deepness or richness of color, is the most important consideration when purchasing a fancy color diamond. The more intense the color, the rarer and more valuable the diamond will be.Unlike white diamonds, which range from the letter D-Z, fancy color diamonds are graded by Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep , Fancy Dark, and Fancy Vivid.
All of our 24diamonds.com fancy color diamonds possess natural color and are never exposed to artificial coloring techniques such as dyeing or irradiation.
Carat: After color grade, carat weight has the most impact on price for fancy color diamonds. When diamonds are mined, large gems are discovered much less frequently than small ones. This makes large diamonds much more valuable. For this reason, diamond prices for fancy color diamonds rise exponentially with carat weight.
Clarity: Due to the nature of fancy color diamonds, clarity is less important than it is in heir colorless counterparts. This is true because inclusions tend to be masked by the diamond's color.
Pink diamonds are the world's most desirable of all the fancy color diamonds, and most of the loose pink diamonds are originally from the Argyle mine in Australia. Every pink diamond discovered in the Argyle mine receives a laser inscription.
Pink diamonds play the role of Cupid among the colored diamonds. The actor and director Ben Affleck purchased a 6.1 carat pink diamond for his engagement ring for Jennifer Lopez. The soccer player David Beckham bought his wife, the former Spice Girl Victoria 'Posh' Adams, a $1.8 million pink diamond apology ring due to his public indiscretion.
Blue diamonds range from Light Blue, Fancy Light Blue, Fancy Blue, Fancy Intense Blue, Fancy Deep Blue, Fancy Dark Blue, to Fancy Vivid Blue. Loose blue diamonds are extremely rare, and as a result, their prices are very high. This is quite evident when you consider how much jewelers Laurence Graff and Lisa Moussaieff paid for fancy blue diamonds at two consecutive Sotheby's Auctions.
Pure orange diamonds are very rare, and most orange diamonds will appear as a combination of yellow and orange. Usually, this is either Fancy Yellow-Orange or Fancy Yellowish Orange, and of course, in stronger levels of intensity, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep and Fancy Vivid. When the orange color appears with no secondary hue, its price rises substantially.

Natural yellow diamonds are the best known of the fancy color diamonds. The color scale of white diamonds starts with the letter D, and ends with the letters X-Y-Z. These are the beginning of the yellow fancy color, due to its yellow shade. After XYZ, we have Light Yellow, Fancy Light Yellow, Fancy Yellow, Fancy Intense Yellow, and Fancy Vivid Yellow. 24diamonds.com has a special & unique collection of natural fancy yellow diamond rings and earrings!

Black diamonds have become very popular and trendy due to their low price and strong color. Unlike other fancy color diamonds such as blue diamonds and pink diamonds, the beauty of black diamonds is in their crystal pure color. Black diamonds are divided into two main groups: natural black diamonds; and heated in rough black diamonds. The price difference is substantial due to the rarity of natural black diamonds. You can find a great selection of diamond rings, earrings, bracelets, studs, necklaces, chains, cufflinks with natural black diamonds at 24diamonds.com! Just make your choice of the diamond color and we are here!
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